The specific measures for drawing and carrying down liability reserve funds by insurance companies shall be formulated by the insurance supervision and administration department. 保险公司提取和结转责任准备金的具体办法由保险监督管理机构制定。
To fail to draw or carry down various kinds of liability reserves or fail to draw reserve for outstanding losses according to the provisions of this law. 未按照规定提取或者结转各项责任准备金或者未按照规定提取未决赔款准备金的;
Meanwhile, the German bank would have a liability to the Spanish depositor and a reserve position at the Bundesbank. The net position of Germany would be unchanged. 与此同时,接受存款的德国银行对该西班牙储户产生负债,并在德国央行形成相应的储备头寸。
Research on Local Uncompensated Liabilities and Liability-compensating Reserve On the Liability of Danger 地方政府违约债务规模及偿债准备金研究&控制和化解地方财政风险的数理经济学视角
From this angle, the liability system in private law is a safeguard mechanism to reserve the authority of law or contract. 从这个角度来说,私法责任制度是为了维护在先的制度权威而产生的后续制度保障。
Loss reserve is the major insurance liability, it is of great significance to assess the reserve to the insurance companies on the sound operation. 责任准备金是保险公司的主要负债,正确合理评估准备金对保险公司的稳健经营具有重要意义。
Petroleum reserve law of our country should clear regulate legal liability in the course of the petroleum reserve from mechanism responsibility and individual responsibility. 我国的石油储备法应当从机构责任和个人责任两个方面对石油储备过程中的违法活动明确规定其法律责任。